🔹(PTS Fix) Q2 Shotgun – fixed muzzle flash 🔹Tips – Added a game tip about pain sounds. 🔹Nailgun radius reduced from 0.15 to 0.125, which is 5u radius 10u diameter (reduced from prior PTS values, yet still a significant buff over the live values) 🔹Texture quality fixed for all Lore Vanity items (Scroll 10) 🔹(PTS Fix) Q2 Hyperblaster – EXECUTIONER shaders now work 🔹(PTS Fix) Q2 Chaingun – OLD PAINLESS shaders now work 🔹Strogg 1st person pain sound volumes corrected 🔹Insomnia – Fixed a visibility popping issue at lower archway near SNG 🔹”Clean” Premium Shader added for Q3 HMG – CESS RIFLE Nothing is a representative of what the live server will be like, and can change at any point in time before official release. Check out how to install | partake in the PTS (Public Test Server) as well as see today’s and all other recent PTS notes below. The biggest to note being: the new NailGun rework is changing slightly, New skins added, and more audio, and visual changes. We have received multiple updates over the past few weeks. There are a few devs that roam this reddit. Topic for newbies in QC (guides, tutorials, tips)Äownload the Game! Welcome to Quake Champions Reddit! Please refer to our rules located on the sidebar.Quake Discords (all regions, pickups, tournaments, casual).