Locations include OneDrive, SharePoint sites, or other locations such as a groups document library that you've accessed before. Select a file to attach it to your email. These files may be on your computer, on OneDrive, SharePoint, or another online document library. The 12 most recent files you've worked on will be displayed here. Select your file from one of the following locations: In a new message, a reply, or a forwarded message, select Attach File from the Message ribbon or the Insert ribbon. See Blocked attachments in Outlook for the complete list. Some file types are blocked from being sent or received. (I don't want to use remote images on the web, since many clients mostly ask users to display remote images firstly, before actually displaying them - embedded images therefore work better, as they will be displayed instantly in most cases/email clients' default configuration.Outlook keeps track of the files you have worked on recently and suggests them whenever you decide you want to attach a file to an email message. However, after doing that and restarting Mail, the image doesn't show, but instead shows a place holder saying "Missing Plug-in". I've already tried to drag & drop the image, then open the web archive file under /Users/myuser/Library/Mail/Signatures in Safari, fetch the html code (which holds code for an embedded object), modify the source code (adding a link around the image), save it as web archive and overwrite the old file.

The only way I could get the local image to display in the received email is to drag & drop the image from the Finder into the Mail signature preferences window, but then, I still have the problem that the image is not linked to my website, and I see now way to edit the html source of it in any way. (and their respective linked articles on the web). How can I add some html to my Mail.app signature? How can I embed an image in an Apple Mail signature? I've already googled and all of below are not working:

Now, when I use this html signature, Thunderbird is smart enough to embed the local image properly with a binary mime type of image/jpeg, however, Mail just doesn't do anything with it and just leaves the html code untouched, still referencing to the local file (and even that doesn't work/display when I receive my own mail on my Mac where I actually have the file at that local place probably sandboxed?!). Opening the web archive/html page in Safari displays the logo fine. I create a html file (and made a web archive of it) with referencing to my local image like src="file:///Users/myuser/path/to/image/jpg". I want to embed an image, which I have locally, in my html email signature (i.e. I think my question says it all (and yes, I've googled and searched StackExchange already) - but to clarify: