They're Lvl 28-30 (with one rare mob named the Terrowulf Packlord ( Terrowulf Packlord) who can reach up to Lvl 32 and drops the Wolfpack Medallion and Ruffled Chaplet green items) and are skinnable. I've found that if you ever forget to do a bit of skinning and need to raise your skill afterwards, you can visit the Howling Vale (West of the road to Felwood and just before the border between the two zones) and grind Terrowulf Worgen mobs. Many of the mobs here are skinnable (though perhaps not as many as in Darkshore, due to the large numbers of Furbolgs, Demons and Forsaken Undead) and herbs are almost as bountiful as the beasts.

Gathering professions such as skinning and herbalism (but not so much mining, although there are some veins to find) mix well with this zone.

Notable Alliance quest chains include the "Elune's Tear" chain, available from Pelturas Whitemoon Pelturas Whitemoon, the "Raene's Cleansing" chain, available from Raene Wolfrunner ( Raene Wolfrunner), and the "Tower of Althalaxx" chain that begins in Darkshore when given to the player by Sentinel Elissa Starbreeze ( Sentinel Elissa Starbreeze).

Most of the quests can be soloed easily and there are only two group quests, both on the Horde side ( Vorsha the Lasher and King of the Foulweald). The zone has a good level range for questing, making it suitable for players from as low as Lvl 18 (Lvl 19 for Horde) to as high as Lvl 30 (although some quests reach as high as Lvl 32). There should be enough quests to make the red quests go yellow in Ashenvale and in Stonetalon Mountains.Ĭomment by 292457Ashenvale is a very popular zone for both Alliance and Horde for a number of reasons. I strongly recommend going to the Eastern Kingdoms and complete as much of Redridge Mountains and Duskwood as possible, this will prevent the need to grind for hours in Ashenvale and will also round out your Stormwind reputation. You'll hit about 22-24 when you run out of yellow/green quests go elsewhere to level and later come back in your mid to upper twenties when you come back. It's worth noting that if you're Alliance and come here fresh from a level 10-20 zone, most of the chains will lead to an orange or red quest keeping this in mind for optimal speed. Mobs get progressively harder from West to East, until about Ravenwood Retreat (due to the Horde enterance being to the south) and are strongest at the borders of Azshara and Felwood. Comment by KaitenComing in from Darkshore (or Bloodmyst), you'll gradually work your way East while making a few treks to Stonetalon Mountains soon after you hit Astranaar (in fact most of the Stonetalon alliance quests complement Astranaar's) and finally landing in Forest Song in your late 20s.